P20W Modernization
Diagnostic Tool
P20W Modernization Diagnostic Tool
What is this tool?
- A rubric to assess the stages of creating a contemporary statewide longitudinal data system.
- The rubric is structured around four domains: Demand, Systems, Governance, and Use.
How can this tool be used?
- It is designed as a self-assessment for those working to modernize their P20W data systems, such as Data Systems Managers, Data Governance Managers, Systems Analysts, and Educational Technology Specialists.
- The completed rubric can help show what progress has been made in a state, and what work remains to modernize the state’s longitudinal data system.
- This completed rubric may provide useful information to share with legislators and decision makers to assess opportunities for and barriers to modernization.
WestEd website describing the planning process for the California Cradle-to-Career system
This website includes extensive documentation including agendas, materials, recordings, and notes for more than 100 public meetings held to design California’s new system, as well as final recommendations and policies.

NCES-SLDS website describing communities of practice and support for SLDS Grantees
The Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) Grant Program and its partners offer a wide and growing range of support to help state education agencies in the design, development, and use of longitudinal data systems. This website serves as a platform to keep states aware of new resources as they become available, including publications and webinars, as well as to facilitate communication and collaboration.

U.S. Department of Education’s PTAC Website
The U.S. Department of Education’s Student Privacy Policy Office (SPPO) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of federal laws relating to the privacy of students’ education records, and for the provision of technical assistance on student privacy issues for the broader education community.

The National Forum on Education Statistics (Forum)
The Forum is a voluntary, democratic, participative group that is committed to improving the quality, comparability, and usefulness of elementary and secondary education data while remaining sensitive to data burden concerns. The mission of the Forum is to plan, recommend, and develop education data resources that will support local, state, and national efforts to improve public and private education throughout the United States.

The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Centers (DaSy)
The DaSy Center is a national technical assistance center that works with states to support Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) early intervention and early childhood special education state programs in building high quality data systems and using data to improve results for young children with disabilities and their families.

The Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID)
The Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID) provides technical assistance to state education agencies to increase the capacity to report high quality data required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B Sections 616 and 618. CIID supports the integration of IDEA data systems and processes with the Statewide Longitudinal Data System.

Data Integration Support Center (DISC) at WestEd
DISC supports public agencies in developing, sustaining, and maintaining integrated data systems. DISC provides tailored support for developing, sustaining, and maintaining integrated data systems in four focus areas: privacy and governance, external legal support, legislative analysis, and system security.